Friday, April 15, 2011

Internet Dating 101 – Profile Problems

So, on that sleepless night at 2:30 in the morning, I cautiously started filling-out the required questionnaire in order to build my Profile. 

Status.   Hummmm.  Believe it or not, that was a hard one.  With the exception of my early childhood, I had been with one person since I was 17.  I’d been married my whole life!  And now I was blankly staring at the multiple-choice question…Single? Married? Divorced? Widowed? 

I realize some refer to themselves as “single” post-divorce, but I didn’t feel that was being truthful.  Choosing “single” seemed as if I was ignoring the past 40 years of my life. 

Married?  Definitely not. 

Widowed?  Unfortunately not (that’s a JOKE people, lighten up!). 

Divorced? Divorced was the answer, but I still found it a bit difficult to place that little “x” next to the word Divorced. 

Divorce wasn’t easy for me.  Marriage was something I thought would be for a lifetime, no matter what.  Plus, by the time I was aware of anything unusual happening in my marriage, it was too late.  I had no choice in the matter.  One can only fight (or beg) to keep their family together for so long.

Click here to read the next story about my Internet Dating Fun(?)

1 comment:

  1. Widowed? Unfortunately not. I laughed over that. Ditto!


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